Explain to me the difference between front-end and back-end.
Is a SaaS application a good choice for my business?
Which technologies are popular for business applications?
What applications integrate best with CRM and ERP systems?
February 10, 2025
We are launching a virtual office
Working remotely will be even easier!
December 27, 2024
We join the eIzba
The Chamber of the Electronic Economy supports the interests of companies related to the electronic economy market.
We create and develop applications for phones and computers.
We work for online business owners and companies that are implementing digital products and automation.
We love to have long conversations about the app market, which changes day by day and provides us with powerful insights.
The choice of technology, the planning of work, the selection of project team members and the most important question - whether our audience will love the application we create.
How do we work?
Planning, billing of work, verification of results, optimization
Reach new customers with Android, iOS and Windows apps.
Create universal browser applications, automate your company's processes and reduce the labor intensity of daily tasks.
Take advantage of all the opportunities presented by technology, including: artificial intelligence, IoT and Big Data.
thanks to: AI, SaaS, IoT
It is hard to imagine in the third decade of the 21st century a retail company that does not rely on online sales.
E-commerce has been the most growing industry for many years.
Customers who use online shopping on a daily basis wait until they can buy a product or service from you.
Stripe, PayU, Allegro, Amazon
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